Daily Blog 5 October 2015 (Trip 1 + 2) | White Shark Diving Gansbaai

Guest comment: “Sharktastic trip! Really great experience; thanks!” – Sherrie + Diann

“Great trip! Fantastic close up shark encounters and very knowledgable staff! Thank you!” – Andy + Fiona

“Very well organized and professional staff. Great job!” – Sameera + Abdul


Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 15.5’C + 15.7’C
Depth: 10.0m + 10.7m
Visibility: 0.5-1m + 0.5-1m
Number of Sharks: 6 + 4
Conditions: Overcast throughout the day with a bit of a swell that eased up as the day went on.

What an amazing day at sea! Despite the overcast weather and choppy conditions, everyone on board our trips had a great time. The first trip began with just a 30 minute wait for sharks to arrive. Numerous sharks that we know well decided to come check out our divers today. First was “Scarlett,” a 3.8 meter female with very distinct bite marks along her side. Shortly after “Scarletts” appearance, “Caroline” came by to check out our divers. “Caroline” is a 2.9 meter female whom is covered in parasites called copopods. She has large patches of them on her snout, along her side, and on her dorsal fin as well. She also has some very unique scarring along her back side that makes her very easy to spot. In total, the first trip had 6 great sharks that were highly active and curious about our divers. Our second trip started with a shorter wait, with our first shark appearing within 15 minutes of anchoring at our dive location. It was a 2.7 meter shark with 3 white spots along its left side. Shortly after a short-tailed stringray came by and attempted to attack our seal decoy. It spent the entire trip with us and made numerous attempts on the decoy and even took a couple of nibbles at the bait line. After 30 minutes at our dive location “Caroline” also made a return appearance and spent the rest of our trip “playing” with the decoy and bait line, swimming back and forth between the 2 and bumping them with her snout. She was definitely the most curious and playful shark of the day and made our trips highly memorable!


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
