Today was a bad day to be a seal! We had multiple natural predations sighted from the boat today…
The first trip of the day launched early and headed to the Island. It was a slow start this morning…
It was only yesterday I was commenting on the fact we haven’t seen dolphins from Slashfin in quite some time and low and behold just after we had left the harbour we came across a pod of Bottlenose dolphins…
Upon our arrival at our dive sight we encountered a brief shower, thereafter the heavens parted to reveal a spectacular shark cage diving trip…
It was an early launch from Gansbaai harbour today due to the low tide in the morning, quite an adventure around Danger Point to start the day…
My first trip of the year back at Dyer Island and I have definitely missed the winter sharks…
Winter at Dyer Island just keeps getting better! We had yet another spectacular trip today, with 15 individual sharks some measuring between 4.5 and 5m!