Awards and Commendations
Responsible tourism is tourism ‘that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit’. A responsible tourism approach aims to achieve the triple-bottom line outcomes of sustainable development, i.e. economic growth, environmental integrity and social justice. Marine Dynamics Responsible Tourism Policy reads as follows: Our every activity is driven by our motto “Discover and Protect”. We consciously and actively: operate responsibly with due care for the marine and terrestrial environment; conduct ethical scientific research which contributes to the conservation of species; create conservation awareness amongst locals and visitors; contribute positively to the community and the economy in which we operate; offer fair wages and good working conditions for our employees; contribute positively to the protection of cultural heritage.
Fair Trade Tourism (FTT) is a non-profit organisation that promotes responsible tourism in southern Africa and beyond. FTT aims to make tourism more sustainable by ensuring that the people who contribute their land, resources, labour and knowledge to tourism are the ones who reap the benefits. Tourism businesses that adhere to the FTT standard use the FTT label as a way of signifying their commitment to fair and responsible tourism. This includes fair wages and working conditions, fair purchasing and operations, equitable distribution of benefits and respect for human rights, culture and the environment. By selecting an FTT-certified business, travellers are not only assured that their holiday benefits local communities and economies, and that the business is operated ethically and in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, but they will also have a more fulfilling holiday experience. Marine Dynamics Tours and Dyer Island Cruises have been Fair Trade certified since 2008 and in 2015 will undergo Fair Trade group certification for the group of companies that includes Marine Dynamics, Dyer Island Cruises, and the Marine Dynamics Academy.
Our every activity is driven by our motto:
- Discover and understand this globally important ecosystem through world-class scientific research.
- Protect the long-term future of the species which live here by translating this knowledge into evidence-based conservation initiatives and legislation.
- Educate our partners; local communities, legislators and visitors by informing and actively involving them in achieving our goals for the benefit of all.
We consciously and actively: operate responsibly with due care for the marine and terrestrial environment; conduct ethical scientific research which contributes to the conservation of species; create conservation awareness amongst locals and visitors; contribute positively to the community and the economy in which we operate; offer fair wages and good working conditions for our employees; contribute positively to the protection of cultural heritage.
Responsible Tourism creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit.
A responsible tourism approach aims to achieve the triple-bottom line of sustainable development, i.e. economic growth, environmental integrity and social justice.
Blue Flag is the prestigious, voluntary eco-label for beaches, boats and marinas that is recognised as a trusted symbol of quality and is regarded by the World Tourism Organisation as the most well-known global eco-label.
The Blue Flag Programme, which has been running internationally since 1987, is focused on the conservation of marine and coastal habitats, and is designed to raise environmental education and awareness, and increase sound environmental practices among tourists, local populations and beach management.
To achieve Blue Flag status, as many as 33 different criteria spanning over four aspects of coastal management have to be met: water quality, environmental education and information, environmental management, and safety and services. The criteria are set by the international coordinators of the Blue Flag campaign in Europe, the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) . Each Blue Flag site is compelled to conduct several environmental education activities during the year, and to practise effective and efficient conservation management. The detailed criteria and award process is available on Blue Flag’s international website.
In South Africa the Blue Flag programme is managed by WESSA and participating coastal municipalities. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Blue Flag season runs from 1 November to 31 October each year. Beaches are required to apply for Blue Flag status each year and the Blue Flag standards are only enforced at the beaches over the participating beach’s stated season, which varies from just 2 months of the year to the full 12 months.
The companies and Wilfred Chivell have received awards as below:
- African Responsible Tourism Award 2020: Gold for the Wildlife category
- Cape Town Tourism Leading Edge for Visitors Experience 2019
- Lilizela Provincial Award 2019: Best Visitor Experience in the Marine Adventure category
- Lilizela National Award 2018: Best Visitor Experience in the Marine Adventure category
- Cape Town Tourism Future Forward Thinking for Visitor Experience 2018
- Lilizela Provincial Award 2018: Best Visitor Experience in the Marine Adventure category
- African Responsible Tourism Award 2018: Silver for Marine Habitat & Species Conservation
- World Travel Market Responsible Tourism Awards 2017: Highly Commended
- Skål International Sustainable Tourism Award 2017 – Marine Based, “Shark and Whale Eco-tourism Benefitting Conservation and Community”
- African Responsible Toursim Award 2016 – People’s Choice
- African Responsible Tourism Award 2015 – Best for Wildlife Conservation
- World Responsible Tourism Award – Best for Responsible Wildlife Experiences Shortlisted 2013/Longlisted 2014
- First Choice Responsible Tourism Award 2006 Dyer Island Cruises Highly Commended in a Marine Environment
- Lilizela National Awards 2015: Marine Adventure
- Overstrand Mayor’s Floating Trophy for Environmental Conservation: 2004/2006 Finalist; 2007 Runner Up; 2009 Joint Winner; 2012 Winner
- Birdlife Overberg: Honorary Membership for Clean Marine Project
- Birldife South Africa: Blue Crane Award for Faces of Need Project 2006
- Birdlife South Africa: Eagle Award for penguin conservation (Faces of Need 2008) (This is a once in a lifetime award)
- Overstrand Conservation Foundation: Certificate of Appreciation
- Business Partners: Regional Winner of Entrepreneur of 2005
- Wilfred Chivell has been made an Honourary Life Member of the Shark Conservation Society UK
Discover more about our shark tour
Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA
Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism