Community Education
Community Education
We live in an area where unemployment is rife and social ills are on one’s doorstep. We believe that through education and exposure to opportunities we can create hope for a successful future for our young generation.
The Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme known as DEEP works with dedicated groups of young learners from a disadvantaged background and runs for three years to monitor and evaluate the impact and growth of each learner. The aim is to expose these young learners to the field of science and conservation and serve as a forerunner for future skills training. Students are chosen from the local Masakhane School. They learn about the marine world from our educators and marine biologists, go out to sea with us, and learn to care about our marine species, our crucial wetlands and issues related to marine pollution.
Through the penguin sanctuary and our other outreach efforts, including a marine themed school competition, we reach an additional 10000 or more learners. We also host marine themed evenings to inform our community about the marine world.
Project Highlights
First supported an educator for our local schools in partnership with Whale Coast Conservation
Marine Month Competition established for local Overstrand schools
DEEP, the Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Educational Programme is established