Marine Pollution Efforts
Marine Pollution Efforts
More than 8 million tons of plastic is being dumped in our oceans globally every year, and we get to see first-hand the impact it has on marine life driving us to minimise pollution in its various forms.
We host various beach cleans ups throughout the year, including on International Coastal Clean Up Day, and document all statistics to help identify problem areas and problem pollutants. Marine pollution is a constant theme in our educational efforts and our businesses do all we can to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
In 2010 we started the fishing line bin project in Gansbaai, which has now grown along the South African coastline with the support of dedicated partners PlasticsSA and MacNeil Plastics that provide the material.
Inspired by a project in Australia, the team created Project Storm and replicated a net system over one of the storm water drain outlets in Gansbaai Harbour, an area notorious for plastic pollution. The nets are designed to prevent ocean bound waste, carried by storm water from the local road network.