When working with wildlife, you never know what you may see in the bay…
We had 2 lovely trips out on Slashfin today, with lots of Great Whites to keep us company…
Another early launch for the crew of Slash Fin would ensure that our clients would get the best shark experience before the heavy weather decided to set in…
We had lovely weather conditions at sea today, even though we had some cloud cover I can guarantee that our clients worked on their tan. We had lots of bird activity around the boat as well today; it seems they have developed quite a taste for our chum :)! We had a large 3.8 meter female shark putting on a great spectacle. This shark had a massive scar on its left side which resembled a bite from another shark. These sharks prefer their space! Our smaller 2 meter shark was bursting with energy and kept our bait handlers on their toes. What a day…
Today got off to a slower start than usual. I was growing accustomed to the last couple of weeks where the sharks were quick to arrive on the scene! It seemed the sharks had a huge party over the weekend and decided to sleep in :)! The sharks who decided to come to work put on an amazing show. I will let the photos speak for themselves! We had some amazing bird sightings on the trip as well; we saw a subantarctic skua, kelp gulls as well as several storm petrels. Our box jellies were also hanging around the boat in large numbers, they love to pose! Even though the sharks were late to arrive today, Mother Nature kept us entertained throughout! Always something new everyday…
A really great trip today with the sharks arriving very promptly on the scene! Our visibility was still hampered by the large planktonic blooms in the area, however the sharks new exactly what to do! They were coming very close to the cage and to not see them was impossible! We had two sharks over the 4 meter mark which was a great treat for everyone on board including myself! After all of the amazing shark activity in the water we were greeted by a large pod of bottlenose dolphin on our way back from Dyer Island! A brilliant way to end off our day! There is just so much life in this area, it is very important to keep a sharp eye out at all times! At all times…
We absolutely love our coastline as well as the high nutrient levels which create our large food webs in the ocean. We have one of the strongest upwelling systems, off our coast, in the world. These factors contributes to the immense diversity in the ocean but it has one large drawback for shark cage diving, it decreases our visibility severely. We had nice big sharks today who were a bit more relaxed and not as active in going for the bait, it was still fantastic to see them make their slow passes. One of our regular sharks arrived on the scene today with fresh scars; it’s never a pleasant sight. The scars could have occurred as a result of several speculative factors, only a closer inspection would reveal the answer. We had an awesome bunch of guests on board who were in very high spirit. It was a pleasure having you on board. Great stuff…
An interesting start to our trip was the sighting of a dog swimming randomly in the sea; it must have been a dolphin in its previous life :)! Very odd indeed. We then carried on with our voyage and were greeted by the sharks in very timely manner! The guests were caught a bit off guard when we started to ask who our first seven divers were going to be. “Big Nemo” made her infamous appearance and was off again. Taking up her limelight was a shark riddled with parasites. This shark stayed with us for the entire duration of the trip and put on a great spectacle! There were many box jellies in the water as well as blue bottles which were quite interesting to see. It was fantastic to see all the diversity in the water today! Great stuff…
We had an abundance of sharks today and some phenomenal passes by the cage! We weren’t kept waiting at all today, the sharks were very punctual for a change :)! The sharks varied in size today with the largest being 4 meters. We had guests from all over the world and that always makes it interesting to see how different people respond to these animals. We had some screams, laughter and even our “smaller” guests started to fall asleep. We sighted some box jellies in the water today which was an added bonus! A very experience rich trip…