Daily Blog 03 October 2015 (Trip 1 + 2) | Cage Diving South Africa

Guest comment: “Crew were amazing, so passionate and informative. A thoroughly enjoyable experience and one I would highly recommend!” – Lorna

Great team environment, very professional. Genuine interest in conservation. Will recommend!” – Lucy

Amazing experience. Staff and crew were excellent. Very informative and memorable trip!” – Hugh


Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 14.9’C + 15.1’C
Depth:12.2m + 11.9m
Visibility: 0.5m + 0.5m
Number of Sharks: 7 + 4
Conditions: Decreasing winds and swell.

We had the whole bay to ourselves today so in theory we should have all the sharks to ourselves as well…hopefully! Some not so nice weather conditions saw us launching a little later today, around 9am, and whilst the conditions were not the greatest the sharks were fantastic. We arrived to find the visibility close to zero and resembling something like pea soup! Thankfully the sharks today were nice enough toget close and personal with our divers and were constantly breaking the surface as they moved by so we could all get a nice look! We had both “Scarlett” and “Caroline” around the boat for both trips, each of these sharks with their different behaviour and features always making for good activity. We also had a darker female that was very fiesty and would appraoch slowly and then all of a sudden make a quick turn to grab either the bait or decoy line flashing her teeth in the process! A few Southern Right whale sightings to top off a top experience.A swell day on the water in both meanings of the word…

For more shark facts and shark updates, also “Like” our Marine Dynamics facebook fan page. If you would like to review your trip online to help others choose the right cage diving company, please visit our TripAdvisor page and leave your feedback.


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
