Guest comment: “This company, Marine Dynamics, is super amazing, this is by far the most professional of the ones I’ve tried by a long way! The staff are just amazing, friendly and extremely knowledgable. What can I say ***** and A+!” – Ronnie
“Great trip, and really good to learn about the shark conservation program. 5 sharks – amazing!” – Anna + Kim
“Very nice, good experience!” – Rafael
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 15.0’C + 15.2’C + 15.2’C
Depth:10.3m + 10.3m + 10.5m
Visibility: 1.0m + 1.0m + 0.5m
Number of Sharks: 4 + 5 + 6
Conditions: Increasing swell and wind with overcast skies.
It was up and at ’em early this morning as we pushed off from the harbour at 7am today! Getting out on the water early can have some positives like great morning light making for some spectacular scenery and also getting those early morning sharks! The first to arrive was “Caroline” our feisty female stirring things up in the bay at the moment! We were also very happy to see “Scarlett” around, This shark is a larger female with quite a few old and newer bites around her jaw and head who is easily identifiable and is great tohave around the boat. We have not seen “Scarlett” since last Saturday and were sad to think she had left the bay or worse but thankfully she is still around and still acting herself although she now has a new injury, the tip of her caudal fin has been damaged! The second trip saw simialr sharks but saw an increase in the wind and chop, although with this came the addition of a large female, the largest for the day, estimated at 4.2m in length!The third and final trip of the day launched this afternoon with the same increased conditions as seen on the second trip, luckily we had sharks around quite quickly, including the favourites from the eariler trips, both “Scarlett” and the 4.0m+ female but also had a speedy male around who took a liking to the decoy as seen in the pictures below! An interesting day out in the bay…
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