White shark sexual maturity is a topic of much debate and the more we think we know, often the more questions we create. Puberty in sharks is related to size more than age. Past research has indicated that most female white sharks above 4.5m in length are sexually mature and males above 4.0m. We know white sharks are very slow growing animals, so it may take upwards of 10-15 years for these animals to reach this sexually mature size.
However, a recent research expedition held in the Gansbaai area blew this subject wide open. Dyer Island Conservation Trust marine biologists, Alison and Oliver, recently boarded the M/V Ocean to partake in a tagging campaign held by Ocearch. During the tagging, sharks were lifted on a platform and blood samples as well as sperm samples were collected. The team was shocked when a “small” 3.2m male had calcified claspers full of sperm. Certainly, this shark was ready to mate, but would he be able to manage a +4.5m female? It could be that white sharks do reach sexual maturity at a smaller size than previously thought, but they may not be able to handle the big girls…