Daily Blog 18 June 2019 | Cage Diving South Africa

Guest comments: 

“Exceeded our expectations. Very professional and sound ecological approach!” – Bob + Carolyn

“Unforgettable expereince and wonderful crew!” – Lauren

“I had high hopes and expectations for this excusion, but it was much better!. GREAT experience, the crew, boat and sharks were all wonderful!” – Jack + Kathy


Sightings:  Great White Shark, Bronze whalers and Short tail stringray

Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: Moderate

Visibility: Moderate

A stunning day out on the water with one easily mistaking it for a day during our Summer season as a low swell and wind rolled through, bright clear skies were seen and a warmth could be felt throughout the day. We launched early from Gansbaai harbour and made our way around the point and onto anchor in the Shallows. Our first anchor choice was changed quickly and within moments of the move we had our first Great White shark and the activity did not stop for the entire trip, as shark after shark kept appearing. By the end of the trip it appeared we had five different animals, the 4.5m previously clamped and monitored female shark, a 3.3m male we know as Shaun, two feisty females between the 2.5-2.8m length and a new, small juvenile Great White that was documented for the season for the first time this morning. The sheer intensity and amount of Great White shark activity appeared to keep the Bronze whaler sharks at a distance, as this morning we had just the one individual approach deep before disappearing not to be seen again. The Short tail stingrays were keen to be part of the trip as three different ones glided out continuously throughout our time on sea.

The second trip of the day launched and had sharks from the get go, a little different to our first trip in that it was the Bronze whaler activity that was seen in the beginning with anumber of individuals enthusiastically approaching the boat and cage as did two of the Short tail stingrays howeve with time those Great Whites appeared. This afternoon saw the 4.5m female make a reappearance as well as the new, small juvenile shark from this morning and one fo the small fesity females. These three kept the activity going for the rest of the afternoon as they took turns cruising in and out of view.

A highly enjoyable day out on sea for our team and we hope all of Marine Dynamics guests for the day.

If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Cage Diving in South Africa, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.


See also​

Book your adventure of lifetime

Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
