Guest comment:
“This was totally awesome. Thanks” ~ Jim & Dana
“Wonderful trip and experience. That was amazing!!!” ~ Herve et Marion
“Wonderfull experience! Highly recommended!!!” ~ Jongeleen and Bakker
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: Moderate (14C-16C)
Visibility: Decent
Conditions: Beautiful sunny day, with a little swell.
The tide in our harbour was a bit low this morning, so we drove our guests across the point, and embarked from Gansbaai. We made our way around Danger Point, where our guests got a view of our local Abalone farm and the Birkenhead wreck, before heading towards our dive site in The Shallows. Once we arrived it didn’t take long for our first Copper sharks to arrive. Our divers had an amazing time in the cage as they witnessed these beautiful animals pass by the cage again and again. Later a short-tailed stingray popped her head up a few times, amazing our guests with it’s huge size. Afterwards we headed back to shore where our guests finished their trip some lovely soup and bread.
Once again we headed out to sea. As soon as we reached the dive site we started to get our first visitors, Copper sharks. The first cage got some nice shark activity with Bronzies coming up really close leaving our divers amazed with their natural beauty. More sharks came to the boat giving us some nice close passes. Just as our third cage were about to get out, a short-tailed stingray tried to go for our baits. Once everyone had their chance in the cage, we were ready to head back to the harbour.