Daily Blog 15 January 2019 | Cage Diving South Africa

Guest comment: “Awesome crew, very knowledgeable and the camera guy was hilarious!” – Andrew

“So Fun thank you!!!” – Sam & Rich

“Thank you for the experience and looking after us!!” – Eric


Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: 19.9°C + 20.1°C + 20.5°C

Depth: 8m + 9.1m + 7.7m

Visibility: 1m + 1m + 1m

Conditions: Slight rolling swell but warm and sunny day

After a few days off the water due to bad weather Slashfin and her crew were ready to get right back at it today! We headed to the shallows bright and early this morning, and as we dropped the cage in the water we were treated to a magnificent sight of a copper shark breaching out of the water! A fantastic start to the trip and not 10 minutes later another copper shark flew out of the water just to the left of our cage! For this species its not a hunting strategy so we’re not overly sure why these sharks breach! Either way a great show for our guests on board. The copper sharks seemed to be enjoying the warm water this morning, with some excellent activity around the cage. Our divers got some great up close sightings and were treated to some super shark action. On top of this we had some excellent short tailed stingray activity as well, they seemed very inquisitive towards the cage, giving our divers a nice little bonus for the trip! With a group of happy divers we headed back to the harbour and greeted our next group of divers.

Straight back to the shallows for Slashfin, and we had sharks surrounding us pretty quickly, so our first group of divers headed into the seemingly tropical waters we are experiencing at the moment, and they got face to face with these stunning sharks. These guys come so close sometimes, that you can see their stunning eye colour, as they watch what is going on in the cage! All our divers got to witness some excellent shark viewing both from the deck of Slashfin and our purpose built shark cage! With that we headed in for our final trip of the day.


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
