Guest comments:
“Amazing experience! The crew is awesome and so helpful! Highly satisfied!” – Rahul + Jasmine
“Best day of my trip. All of it was amazing!” – Michael
“Awesome day! Awesome crew! Had a lovely sharky experience!” – Noor + Rebecca
Sightings: Great White Sharks and Bronze whalers
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: Moderate
Visibility: Poor
Picture this…sharknado but without the storm! Today was finally saw the weather conditions calming down after a week of not so pleasant seas. We had an average swell and wind which we saw decreasing throughout the day and clear, bright skies. We were out in the bay this morning and on anchor quickly and so it appeared were the sharks with our first sighting not long after we arrived. This was a small juvenile that made some impressive attempts at the lines but did not stick around long and the reason became obvious very soon as a large female White shark came cruising around the back on our vessel, Slashfin. This was Clampy, a currently regular visitor to our boat, she has been documented for some years now coming into the area for the Winter months. She made some graceful and close passes, staying with us for some time before disappearing again but not to worry our third and final shark then made its appearance and this is when things really started to get excited. Another female, just a bit smaller than Clampy, our estimation puts her at approximately 3.8m in length, and one that we have encounter over the last two weeks every now and again yet today she seemed to be in a particularly active mood. Identified through the darkly pigmented spots along both sides of her trunk and white pigmentation or rosie on either side of her dorsal fin, she absolutely blew our minds today, with some of the most stunning behaviour witness from a White shark in some time, hence the previous reference to sharknado. This shark stuck around for the rest of our trip, cruising in just underneath the surface before launching herself up and out of the water, to see a shark do this is spectacular, to see a shark of such size do this is even more so and to have this shark continously repeat approaches just made the day unforgetable!
The second trip of the day launched and we had hopes that we would encounter the same active shark from the first trip and who should be the first shark to arrive for the afternoon but our flying female and so the sharknado continued! She exhibited similar behaviour to the first trip with those same approaches, leaps and lunges and a few sneaky attempts from down deep. We were happy to be able to show another group of guests this amazing shark and not only did we have this female around but we also had another juvenile show up, with slow approaches on the surface, this individual gaves us the chance to enjoy a good look at the shark as it circled around, investigating the happenings. To finish of a such a fintastic day we had our final fishy visitor, the Great White male shark that we refer to as Shaun the shark, a chilled 3.3m individual that came cruising into view, making slow passes and a few snappy attempts on the lines. A great way to end a great day!
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Cage Diving in South Africa, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.