Cage Diving South Africa | Daily Trip 1 October 2014 (Trip1+2)

 Guest comment: “Fantastic day with 13 sharks! Staff was very knowledgeable & helpful, would not have been the same without them!” – Christ & Nolleen Mitchel

“Truely amazing, once in a life time experience. First class crew & day, Thanks! !”- Denise & Vinny Lupinski
“Such an amazing time, this is one of the greatest things I have done in my life!” – Erin Hilsenhoff
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 16.3oC
Depth: 10.2m
Visibility: 2m
Number of Sharks: 13 + 12
Conditions: Beautiful clear skies, low swells and only moderate winds throughout the trip!
The first trip met early in the morning, expecting a rainy start to the trip, but was pleasently surprised by the sunny conditions that greeted us when we launched! The sharks today also matched the weather, being fantastic throughout the trip with some great passes by alot of smaller Great White Sharks being very active throughout the trip! The second trip had the opposite however, with some truely amazing passes by a number of big sharks (around 4 meters) keeping our guests and crew amazed for most of the trip! Truely Fantastic! A really great day at sea, especially considering we had all expected some wet and rainy weather! Showing us once again we can never know what’s gonna happen on board Slashfin!
For more shark facts and updates, also “Like” our Marine Dynamics facebook fan page. If you would like to review your trip online to help others choose the right cage diving company, please visit our TripAdvisor page and leave your feedback.

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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
