Guest comment: “Wonderful crew + an amazing experience. I felt safe at all times and will never forget the sights I saw” – Chun Family
“Incredible to see them up close! wonderful crew.” – J & J Francis
“Awesome Experience!” – Rebecca Newsome
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 16oC
Depth: 9.8m
Visibility: 3m
Number of Sharks: 5+5
Conditions: Low wind speeds and calm seas throughout, mostly sunny with little clour cover.
We headed into the shallows nice and early this morning with the hopes of spotting the magnificent Great White Shark and spot we did! Our first shark arrived within 20 minutes of anchoring and was a beautiful, large female that we know with distinctive notches in her dorsal fin and the tip of her left pectoral fin missing! This first shark got things started but it with our third shark of the trip that we saw things really starting to heat up. Our third shark was “Little Lumpy”, who we saw yesterday and have known for some time now. She has an active personality that really shines around the boat as she pulls out all stops, showing us the speed and agility that these creatures are capable of! Second trip launched at mid day to beautiful weather and calm seas. Shortly after anchoring at our dive site our first shark arrived at the boat, a small individual with a very noticable scar on it’s left side. This shark hung about the boat for afew minutes and then returned a few times throughout the trip, but our main visitor was a large 4.3 meter female who frequented our cage for most of our trip, giving our divers some fantastic views! These sharks never cease to amaze with not just their ferocity, but their grace as well…
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