Guest comment: “Great day with lots of sharks! I loved learning about them from the experienced crew!” – Tom
“One of the most incredible experiences ever! It made our family vacation. Thanks so much!” – Battaglia Family
“A unique life experience. Your company does a terrific job from the beginning of the trip to the end. Thank you!” – Andy
Location: Back of Geyser Rock
Water Temperature: 15.2’C
Depth: 19.4m
Visibility: 5.0m+5.0m+7.0m
Number of Sharks: 9+7+11
Conditions: Clear skies with small swell
A perfect day out on the water today with the sun shining on us throughout our three trips! Not only were the conditions great but we had terrific shark action to match! We didn’t have long to wait this morning with our first shark arriving 10 minutes after we anchored. This shark was one that we have not been familiar with and was quite a clean shark in terms of marks and scars. We had a satellite tagged shark visit the boat during our first and third trip today, allowing our divers to have a look at one type of tracking that can be deployed on these sharks. A favourite of the day was a very small juvenile about 2m in size. This is one of the smallest sharks we have seen around Slashfin. Great Whites are believed to measure approximately 1.5m in length when born so this individual was a very young shark! Thanks to the good conditions we were able to get nice and close to Geyser Rock allowing a great view of the Cape Fur Seals! A fantastic day to dive with Great White Sharks…
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then
, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.