Great White Shark Cage Diving Daily Blog 15 July 2015 (Trip 1 + 2)

Guest comment: “Amazing experience! Lots of sharks and two stingrays. The crew was really great, full of knowledge! Thank you all for a super time!” – Sebastian

“ A truly amazing experience. One neither of us will forget. Keep doing your excellent work!” – Andrew + Mark

“Amazing, informative and such a thrill! Our second time but want to go AGAIN!” – Trish, Aoife + Dave


Location: Geldsteen

Water Temperature: 14.2’C + 14.3’C

Depth: 12.6m + 12.7m

Visibility: 4.0m + 4.0m

Number of Sharks: 13 + 7

Conditions: Worsening as day went on, increased wind, swell and cloud coverage.

Wow what a way to start the day! The first trip saw an amazing number of sharks and some great activity, on more than one occasion throughout this trip there was more than one shark infront of the cage. Not only did we have the sharks around the boat we also had some active Short-tailed stingrays visiting the surface every now and again. The second trip of the day started off very well with a shark present at the boat straight after we were back on anchor. Whilst this was a smaller juvenile not to interested in hanging around the second shark of the trip, an approximate 3.6m female showed up and wowed those watching. One of the sharks around the boat today had a very interesting injury, a hole in the front of its snout which appear to follow all the way through to the inside of its mouth (as seen in the photosgraphs below). We had a new visitor today, a satellite SPOT tagged smaller male shark, once back on land we were able to identify the shark as “Poseidon”, one of Ocearch’s White sharks they tagged on their 2012 expedition to South Africa. A fintastic day out on board Slashfin..

For more shark facts and shark updates, also “Like” our Marine Dynamics facebook fan page. If you would like to review your trip online to help others choose the right cage diving company, please visit our TripAdvisor page and leave your feedback.


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Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

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