Location: Joubertsdam
SST: 16.1’C
Depth: 12m
Visibility: 3m
Sharks Sighted: 10 & 10
Conditions: Strong winds from the east
Today was one of the busiest in Marine Dynamics history! We hosted over 200 guests from across the globe and all attendees of the International Aquarium Congress (IAC) in Cape Town. 3 whale watching and 5 cage diving trips were launched and events ran through the day. Aboard Slashfin we had two of the trips and we were blessed with some amazing shark sightings. One of the first sharks we saw was a large female nicknamed ‘Evil Fin’ by our volunteer Ben on account of a nasty gash in her fin which has made her extremely distinctive the last few years. This massive animal is clearly over 4.5m in length and possibly as big as 5! She stayed with us the entire day and was a prominent visitor for both our trips. We sighted plenty of her friends too with 10 sharks on each trip. The wind was definitely up which made for a chilly and choppy day on the water but Aquarium folk are tough and barely anyone was seasick, the sharks were the stars of the show however and I’m sure this will be a day remembered by all lucky enough to spend it with us!
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Shark Diving in South Africa, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.