Daily trip 13 January 2013 (Trip 2) | Great White Shark Diving South Africa

Guest Comments: “Words can’t dscribe how unbelievable of an experience!” Kaleigh Humphrey

“Ahhhh! So amazing!” Alex Roberts

13/01/13 Trip 2
Location: Joubertsdam
Visibility: 3m
Water Temp: 20.5’C
Sharks Sighted: 14
Conditions: Flat/Calm

This was definitely a WOW trip!! Sharks were around ALL the time; big ones, small ones, jumping ones and calm ones – pretty much everything you could possibly ask for on a shark dive today!! We saw Matilda, who was probably the star of the show, a fairly large male who tried his best to upstage her and a whole host of other sharks. One was satellite tagged and we believe it’s Luis Antonio who spent most of the last year far east of here. Sharks are definitely in great form right now and with the water topping 20’C there is no excuse in the world to not come for a cage dive with us right now!

If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Great White Shark Diving in South Africa, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
