Daily trip 10 April 2013 Trip 2 | White Shark Diving Gansbaai

Guest comment: “Really amazing experience, thank you. Crew and volunteers very knowledgeable and helpful! Excellent :)!” Richard and Michelle.

“First time we saw the Great Whites! Amazing!” De Clerck.

“Excellent tour, well run and very safe!” Steve.

Location: Joubertdam
Water Temperature: 16.3 ‘C
Depth: 12.0m
Visibility: 3.5m
Number of Sharks: 6
Conditions: Partly cloudy with a prominent breeze.

Our second trip of the day got off to a smashingly good start with the sharks arriving promptly upon our arrival. We had a slightly smaller shark to start off with, giving everyone the false security that that’s the biggest shark they would see. Thereafter we had all the big females arrive; we were averaging sizes around the 3.8 meter margin, with a large 4 meter staying deep down. To our advantage the trip was a lot warmer than the first, however it is always advisable that you bring a warm jacket along. A very large sting ray kept people mesmerized both in and out of the water, they are truly beautiful animals. All and all a very good day…

If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then White Shark Diving in Gansbaai, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator. 


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
