Daily trip 06 September 2012

Guest comment: “What a day! These creatures are so majestic! Thank you for a fab day!” Jude and Liz.

“Amazing day! Can’t wait to tell all my friends and family and share my pictures!” Kristen.

“Such an amazing trip. Thanks for the awesome experience!” Undren and Vijay.

Location: Dam
Water Temperature: 14.5 ‘C
Depth: 10.1m
Visibility: 2.5m
Number of Sharks: 11
Conditions: Sunny with mild winds.

Another sunny day in Africa with great people and even ‘Greater’ White Sharks! Our first shark of the day was also the biggest one, a massive 4.4 meter female with loads of parasites on its tail. The sharks kept coming from that point onwards and our family from Sweden got a lovely surprise when a shark came VERY close to the cage. After a great day at sea we spotted two bottlenose dolphins just outside the harbour, they weren’t very interested in us but they hung around for a while at least! I love the sunny weather…

For more shark facts and shark updates, also “Like” our Marine Dynamics facebook fan page. If you would like to review your trip online to help others choose the right cage diving company, please visit our TripAdvisor page and leave your feedback.


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
