Daily Blog 30 June 2018 | Cage Diving South Africa

Guest comment: “Well organised with a high sense of hospitality. Would definitely do it again” – Yasin

“What a great treat for the first full day of family vacation. What a great crew and adventure”– The Johnsons

“Thank you for the awesome trip the crew was amazing. Hope to see you again soon!” – Byron


Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: 14.8°C + 15.0°C

Depth: 8.9m + 10m

Visibility: 1m + 1m

Number of Great Whites: 3 + 3

Conditions: Calm sea conditions slight wind increase in the afternoon

We had one thing on the mind this morning… Sharks!! As we got to the shallows this morning, we had a great white within 25 minutes of being on anchor. Although the shark seemed a little shy this morning we persevered changing our anchor spot as the wind direction changed. This appeared to work, as we got our second shark fairly soon after relocating. This shark was close to 3m in size, but only gave us a couple of passes by the cage. It seemed like the sharks had a bit of a shy Saturday vibe, until the male with the clamp marks around his dorsal popped up right towards the end of the trip. He gave our cage divers some very nice close passes to their sheer delight. With a very happy group of divers we headed back to the harbour ready for our second trip of the day.

After some nice sightings on our first trip, we launched for our second trip with our hopes high. We just didn’t realize how lucky would we would be! Within 5 minutes of anchoring, a large 4.3 meter white shark with a bent up pectoral fin that we saw recently, snuck up beneath our seal decoy with such speed that it made a full breach, throwing its entire body out of the water! Full breaches like this are not an every day sighting and we couldn’t believe our luck. This shark stuck around throughout the trip, occasionally leaving when the 4 meter male that we saw yesterday arrived. These 2 large sharks were joined by a juvenile female, approximately 2.6 meters long with an injury to her dorsal fin and her body. She’s a young and very agile shark, and she showed off her speed as she maneuvered gracefully in front of the cage. She was a great way to end our day!

If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Cage Diving in South Africa, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.


See also​

Book your adventure of lifetime

Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
