Daily Blog 21 June 2019 | White Shark Diving Gansbaai

Guest comments: 

“Amazing! Loved all 3 sharks and the ray 🙂 ” – Nicola

“Wow! The crew was amazing and the sharks were spectacular! I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for shark diving! Thank you!” – Grace

“Super trip. A 4.5m shark is BIG!” – Larry


Sightings:  Great White Sharks, Bronze whalers, Short tailed stingray

Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: Moderate

Visibility: Moderate

Today in order to beat the coming storm we started our day a bit earlier than usual, but it did pay off with a beautiful sunrise! We got to our dive location and happy but still sleepy divers jumped into their wetsuits. The first sharks that we saw were Bronze whalers, coming in numbers swimming slowly very close to the cage. And just as our second cage got in, the first white shark of the trip came from the deep, it was a young female at around 2.4m. She stuck with us for some time until Shaun, the shark, joined our little “party”. Us usual he was an incredible shark to see underwater, just slowly cruising along the cage giving everyone a chance to see him underwater. A beautiful short-tailed stingray surfaced several times flapping its beautiful pectoral fins. And just as we thought our day couldn’t get any better, a large, 4.5m, female white shark came from the deep going for our baits. What an incredible trip full of sharks and beautiful scenery!


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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
