Guest comment: “Fantastic staff, great boat, will have to come back when the sharks are more active!” – Sean
“Well organised, everyone was very hospitable!” – Alysia + John
“Great staff, felt safe on boat!” – Jess
Location: Joubertsdam + Wilfred’s Rock
Water Temperature: 15.8’C + 15.2’C
Depth: 10.0m + 11.2m
Visibility: 0.5m + 1.5m
Number of Sharks: 2 + 2
Conditions: Calm seas with some swell picking up towards the end of the day.
It was another beautiful day to be out on the water as we headed into the Shallows after a tip off from another boat that there were sharks around. We arrived as the other boat was leaving and had the bay to ourselves and within 20 minutes we had the first shark come on by the back of the boat. Within moments of this one we had a smaller one cruise on in and take some very nice, close passes to the cage. Whilst this little shark was a bit of a show off he also had a thing for our and spent a lot of its’ time hanging around the back of the boat unfortunatly. This shark dissapeared and we did not spot another shark for the rest of the trip. The second trip of the day headed out and spent just over an hour in the Shallows seeing what we could find however without any luck we headed to the Islands to see if our luck could improve! Just after re-anchoring a large shadow was seen cruising under the left side of the cage and a few minutes later a deep pass about 5 metres away from us however this was all the activity we had this afternoon until we decided to finish up with our chumming and slowly pack up. It was at this moment the tip of a fin was spotted and soon after some lovely activity on the bait and decoy line with not one but two large sharks finishing our trip of fantastically. The first shark was the large male we have seen over the last two days with fishing line entangled infront of its dorsal fin and the second was another shark approximately 3.6m in length and with a tag under the dorsal fin and remnants of a satellite tag on its dorsal fin. We believe this is “Riley”, a large male tagged by Ocearch and one we last saw at the end of last year. A slow but successful day on Slashfin…
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Shark Diving in Gansbaai, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.