Guest comment:
“Excellent experience!! Will highly recommend. Thank you!” ~ Jack
“Very enjoyable will recommend.” ~ David
“Great day out! Helpful and konwledgable staff! Lots of sharks!!!” ~ Neil
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 13.0°C +
Depth: 9.0m +
Visibility: 0.5m +
Conditions: Sunny day with a bit of wind.
After a slightly bouncy trip, we quickly arrived at our dive site, and our divers quickly received their wetsuits. Very soon our first Copper sharks arrived. Our divers quickly climbed into the cage, and the sharks visited the cage repeatedly. While a small white shark popped up, his splashing around definitly made a lasting impression. A short-tailed stingray briefly came up as well, before heading back down to the deep. Overall an amazing time out at sea, with a lot of activity.
And once again we headed out to sea! As soon as we got to our dive site our guests started to gear up and not much later the first visitors arrived. A few bronze Whalers, attracted by the chum, came around to check out our baits. Some of them came really close to the cage making it an unforgettable experience fot the divers inside of it. The activity was great throughout the trip and once everyone had there chance to get close and personal with our beautiful sharks, we headed back to trhe harbour.