Guest comment: “Fantastic trip; very well organized. Saw a great white shark and so many coppers. It was a blast!” – Rachel Keene
“Unforgettable experience to see sharks so close! Very nice crew – always friendly and helpful.” – Marlies and Thomas
“Very enjoyable experience! Everything was well planned and professional. Great team on and off the boat.” – Marius Smit
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 16.0°C + 16.0°C
Depth: 7.0m + 9.5m
Visibility: 1m + 1m
Number of Great Whites: 1 + 1
Conditions: Sunny day with a slight wind in the afternoon
This morning we left a bit later, but once we got to our anchor site at the shallows, a great white shark approached SF very quickly. The divers got in the cage and the white shark passed by the cage several times to show off for our guests. We got some stunning activity from this 2.5m female great white alongside some larger copper sharks. We got some super close passes from the copper sharks by the cage as well, with the white shark coming and going for around an hour. With the copper sharks for the rest of the trip we had a very happy group of divers on our hands.
In the afternoon our second trip went straight back to the shallows, where the white shark from this morning was once again waiting for us. We got our divers quickly into the cage to witness several spectacular passes. Soon the coppers were back as well and the wind died down for a while. Once the second group of divers went into the cage, a short-tailed stingray came by to inspect all the activity, and a little bit later a juvenile seal came around to hide besides Slashfin. On top of all this activity, several southern right whales passed by. Throughout the day we had some excellent activity around the boat. With the white shark in the distance she just seemed to be soaking up the afternoon sun.