Guest comment: “The trip was very good and the staff very friendly! Brilliant Day!” – Connell Family
“All crew members were friendly and knowledgeable, we had a great time!”– Wessels Family
“The guide was so informative. Thanks for the patient and caring staff” – Brianna
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 14.2°C + 14.3°C + 14.4°C
Depth: 8m + 7m + 9m
Visibility: 0.5m + 0.5m + 0.5m
Number of Great Whites: 3 + 3 +
Conditions: Steady swell and breeze but a warm winters day
We launched into stunning South African sunrise this morning heading straight to the shallows. We dropped our anchor and got the cage rigged and ready for our excited cage divers! We didn’t wait long at all to get our first glimpse of a white shark this morning, with a very quick pass from a 3m individual that popped up again briefly towards the end of the trip. We were then joined by a large 4m male cruising in front of the cage. He gave us some very nice chilled passes as he checked out what was going on in the cage. We got another quick pass of a new white shark towards the end of the trip, yet this 3.5m shark wasn’t hanging around long. Either way brief glimpses are still outstanding to witness, and demonstrates their more docile behavioural traits people may not be as familiar with!
For our second trip we headed straight back to the shallows to get our next group of eager guests up close and in the water with great whites. Our first shark on this trip was the male with the clamp marks on his dorsal fin who gave us a couple of passes. Then after a bit of a lull in activity, out of no where the large 4m shark came vertically through the water column right for the seal decoy. A spectacular thing to see! We had ups and downs all trip with activity, but we had a total of three sharks again on this trip.
Our third and final trip of the day launched with hopes high. We had to wait about an hour before we had our first shark visitor. It was a new male white shark for the day, about 2.6 meters long and very girthy. He was soon joined by the 4 meter male, sneaking up from beneath the seal decoy as he did in the previous trips. These 2 left and we sat patiently, hoping they would return. Little did we know why they had left.. A stunning 4.3 meter female white shark lunged out of the water with the seal decoy on her snout! She startled us all and got everyone very excited. She was a fantastic way to end our day!
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Shark Diving in Gansbaai, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.