Guest comment: “Awesome experience! The crew made every aspect appear seemless. Thank you!” – Andrew, Tracey, Meike, Ashley, Pia + Andi
“One of the most amazing experience. Everyone must do this!” – Lauren Godwin
“10/10! Would do it again!” – Jared
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 12.4’C + 12.1’C
Depth: 10.3m + 11.0m
Visibility: 1.5m + 2.0m
Number of Sharks: 4 + 5
Conditions: Warm, sunny day with a light breeze and flat, calm seas.
We were back on the water today after a day off due to some high winds, so we were unsure what to expect! On arrival in the Shallows this morning we were delighted to see that the visibility had not decreased and was in the higher range for our summer season (usually 0-3m). Whilst the water was nice and clear it appeared the sharks were not in the area or not in a rush to show themselves as this morning’s trip had close to an hour and a half wait for that first shark to arrive, but what a shark to have! It was “Little Lumpy” who showed up first and like usual she didn’t hold back, showcasing to all those on board how spectacular these creatures are! Three other sharks turned up soon after, all similar in size (around the 3.0m mark). A great second half of the trip for our great visitors on board who waited so patiently! The second trip of the day had a very different start to the first one with a juvenile female shark sighted as we were approaching the cage that we had left out in the water from the morning trip. This shark is one we have become acquainted with in the past few weeks, and she is easily recognisable by a scar running down the left side from top of dorsal fin to the middle of her trunk. The next shark to be seen brought the majority of the boat scrambling to the side to catch a glimpse at its 4.3m size as it cruised by deep in front of the cage. Whilst this was the largest shark of the day, it did not grace us with its presence again. However we were visited by two very feisty females who sure made up for the last of larger sharks. One was a juvenile female known in the past few days to slowly go by, making very docile passes and eye-balling those in the cage, the other was none of than “Little Lumpy” returning again from this morning’s trip to greet our new divers! A fantastic day back on the water…
If you are looking to get up close and personal with the great white shark then Shark Diving in Gansbaai, and more specifically with Marine Dynamics, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t want to miss. Book and pay online with us and get a free video of your encounter with the world’s apex predator.