With a nice, small group today we managed to have a really great trip. The visibility was very good again, so the clients in the cage could get great views at the sharks without them being super close. Everyone had a really nice time!!
We had two great trips in Joubertsdam today! The first of which was an exclusive with an awesome film crew, which the conditions really played along for! There was tons of sun, flat seas, and great visibility, which allowed the crew to get some top-notch footage. The second trip was really nice as well, the visibility dropped slightly, but our clients were still able to get some really nice views in the cage. Today was also Pieter’s birthday, the sharks must have known this because they treated him really well!
Surely there are male and female sharks, but how do you tell? These next few blog posts have to do with momma and poppa sharks, baby sharks, and how they get busy..
We got to our site today and it took some time before we got a shark. We picked up a small 2m shark who gave us a few minutes of excitement. After some time without sharks. We made the decision to change locations, and it paid off! We picked up sharks within 10 minutes, and got each and every cage some really nice sightings of these magnificent great whites!
We had lots of really good sharks today in Joubertsdam! Two sharks in particular worked very well, one small and quick shark, and one larger shark who was very active. All of our clients were able to see some fantastic passes from the cage, overall it was JAWSOME day!
The visibility today was the best it has been in weeks! That made it easy for our clients to see the sharks very clearly underwater! The fact that the sharks gave some really close passes helped too! We had lots of small, fast, and energetic sharks, including one that breached out of the water, on nothing! The bait or decoy was not near the shark, but it breached anyway, possibly on a shadow or something that it thought was food!
The visibility has really improved the last couple days in Joubertsdam! Today our clients were able see much farther then we thought they could from the cage, which was good because it let them see our 5 different Great Whites nice and clear. We had some nice sized sharks today, of the 5, only one was under 3m long. We had one male in particular who gave some awesome passes.
Today was the kind of day that is good for not only the clients, but the crew as well. With a small group of awesome clients, 9 beautiful white sharks, and beautiful conditions, we had such a fun trip today. The sharks were great, coming close to the cage and giving everyone great views. We were also fortunate to come across a very unique learning experience. There was a dead young seal with some bite marks in it, and while it was sad to see a dead animal, it was good to be able to show clients, and volunteers what the wounds can look like. What a stunning day!!
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