Daily Blog 14 April 2019 | White Shark Diving Gansbaai

Guest comment: “Wonderful, Great Whites, in and out of the water! Loved it”– Suzy, Pam & Ian

A wonderful day, well organised, informative. Plenty of sightings, great crew. Well worth getting up early” – Susan & Julie

So cool! The crew was great! Thanks” – Gina & Chelsea


Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: 15.1°C 

Depth: 7.5m 

Visibility: 1m + 1m

Conditions: A bit grey and cold out there but calm sea conditions

We started our first trip of the day bright and early with some wonderful clouds in the sky and a little bit of spray. Once we reached our diving site everyone was super excited and couldn’t wait to get into the water. We quickly geared up and started waiting for our first visitors. Fortunately they did not make us wait for too long and the first Copper sharks arrived. Shortly after a 2.5 m Great white shark tried to get our bait making an impressive appearance. Fortunately for everyone on the boat he came back a few times after that giving all our guests to enjoy him in the cage. The star of today’s trip, however, was a short-tailed stingray that couldn’t get enough of our baits and kept coming back. We also were lucky enough to witness a juvenile Cape Gannet diving infront of us trying to get small fish. Excited and happy we headed back to the Great White house to warm up with some delicious soup.

The clouds remained in the sky as we headed out for our second trip. A bit of drizzle fell out of the sky beforehand, so our divers climbed into their wetsuits on land, but once we were at our dive site, it didn’t take long for the first sharks to arrive and our divers quickly climbed into the cage. We had some fantastic Copper sharks swim around, and were briefly visited by a great white too, who gave our visitors in the cage a few quick passes. Towards the end of our trip a tiny bit of rain fell, but we soon headed back to shore, where our guests warmed up nicely with some fantastic soup and bread.

For our final trip of the day we headed back to the shallows! With only a small group this afternoon we got geared up and with sharks around straight away, we got everyone into the water! The copper shaks were stunning this afternoon with super activity through the whole trip. We got some very close passes and there is even a Copper Shark out there very similar to Clubtail one of our white shark! The rain held off for the trip and the sun even came out this afternoon to finish up. We made a nice cruise through the bay back to the harbour and some well deserved soup and bread!


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Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


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Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
