Daily Blog 04 December 2018 | Cage Diving South Africa

Guest Comments:

“Had a great time, would highly recommend!!” – Drew

“Brilliant!” – Ben


Location: Joubertsdam

Water Temperature: 16.6°C + 16.6°C

Depth: 9.3m + 11.3m

Visibility: 0.5m + 0.5m

Conditions:  A beautiful, sunny day with some swell and the wind picking up in the afternoon.

We embarked on two tours today, setting out at 8am on our first trip of the day and making our way towards The Shallows after a day off the sea. We’ve had a westerly wind blowing for the last couple of days, which means that the water is not too cold but that we’ve got just a bit of swell rolling into the area.

After getting our divers all suited up, we got lucky and had our sharks pop up within the first 10 minutes on anchor, this set the pace for the rest of the tour with the sharks hanging out with us throughout the few hours we spent anchored. We watched the Copper Sharks and had animals of all shapes and colours visit us, much to the delight of all who got into the cage to experience the wonders of being under the water with such a gorgeous predator.  we got to see the sharks surface and ambush from below, and we even got a view of two Cape Fur Seals who passed by our boat a time or two before heading off.

Trip 2 also had sharks within minutes and we had just an awesome a trip as the first, with constant activity around the cage. This made for a fun and exciting time on the water, although the wind began to pick up which made for an adventurous time on the water. We were also treated to the sight of Copper Sharks of all sorts, some with some old battle wounds which have now healed up to black scars which can be used to distinguish the individual animals. After spending a lovely couple of hours out, we made our way back to port for soup, bread and a ginger ale or two.


See also​

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Conservation Partners

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary

Department: Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Cape Nature

Overstrand Municipality

Plastics SA

Tourism Partners

Fair Trade Tourism


Cape Town Tourism

Cape Country Routes

Gansbaai Tourism
